The Man-Moth by Elizabeth Bishop

Like all cool shows, Works Cited now has a lost episode. In this case it was the last episode recorded for season 2, briefly lost in a whirlwind of life-shifting forces. But our intrepid podcasters have withstood the tempest and bring you a most engrossing discussion about a creature rumored to live in the guts […]

American Sonnets for my Past and Future Assassin

In this month’s episode, Kev and the Lukes discuss several poems from Terrance Hayes’ powerful collection, American Sonnets for my Past and Future Assassin.  It’s a conversation full of palimpsests, octaves, octets, and the ways in which forms can inform our reading of a poem. Also, Stromberg tells us how to find Upper Darby. Don’t […]

The Drop by Michael Donaghy

In this month’s episode Kev and the Lukes discuss the late American-born British poet Michael Donaghy, focusing on his poem “The Drop.” Click here to listen to the episode on SoundCloud, or find us on the Apple podcast app. Here is a link to the text of the poem as well as an interview with […]

Mary Jo Salter – Welcome to Hiroshima

In this episode, Kev and the Lukes discuss Mary Jo Salter’s devastating and beautifully crafted poem, “Welcome to Hiroshima.”  We admire the poem on several levels–its masterful level of craft, not only in terms of meter and rhyme but also syntax; its exquisitely rendered imagery; how it explores the ways in which the horrors of […]

Weldon Kees – For My Daughter

Season 2 is officially launched! Join Kev and the Lukes as they discuss the beautifully disturbing, or disturbingly beautiful poem “For My Daughter” by the mysterious Weldon Kees.  Here is a link to the text of the poem for you to read along. Dana Gioia has written numerous times about Kees. His account of discovering Kees […]

Episode 5: “Advice to a Prophet” by Richard Wilbur

In this month’s episode, Kev and the Lukes discuss “Advice to a Prophet” by Richard Wilbur and the ways it addresses an overwhelming subject like nuclear annihilation. Can poems give us a handle on unthinkable topics that “rocket the mind,” or do they fall short in moving our “slow, unreckoning hearts”? Listen to the episode here.